Belfast Performance Horses

A new type of performance horse is being developed at Belfast Performance Horses. It is a proudly Australian horse for modern Australian performance needs, particularly for eventing. The choice to breed eventers has come as a natural progression to utilise and improve the innate versatility of the Australian Stock Horse. The horse will have the desirable temperament of the Australian Stock Horse – quiet and intelligent and able to relax after competition; the superior athleticism of competitive jumping thoroughbred bloodlines; and the comfort, movement and strength from the best warmblood eventing sires.

Belfast Performance horses regularly has horses for sale of various types, ages and sizes suitable for a range of disciplines. Breedtech is in the infancy of developing the type of horse that bestows the qualities they appreciate. Please contact us to see if we have a horse that suits your desires or you wish to breed from our stallions or mares.
We have mares available for lease for embryo transfer programs. The mare may be owned by Belfast Performance Horses or a private owner wishing to sell their mares genetics. Contact us if you are interested in offering your mare for lease as a donor in an embryo transfer program.
Belfast Performance horses regularly has horses for sale of various types, ages and sizes suitable for a range of disciplines. Breedtech is in the infancy of developing the type of horse that bestows the qualities they appreciate. Please contact us to see if we have a horse that suits your desires or you wish to breed from our stallions or mares.
Belfast Performance horse does at times have embryos for sale. This is an area we wish to grow because we are passionate about bringing horses into the world for a purpose. Contact us if you wish to purchase an embryo we have in storage or if you wish to sell embryos of your horse’s genetics.